From the HEART Comes LIFE ! - Paula Black

A healthy heart—both physically and spiritually—leads to life. A sick heart, leads to death. Did you know that you have two hearts and both need to be healthy?

Your spirit HEART
The first and most important “heart” is your SPIRIT, which the Bible also refers to as your HEART. You were created by God to live forever. When this earthly life ends… YOU don’t end. You continue on for eternity. The most important question is where will you spend the “rest of your life?” God’s Word tells us that we are headed toward heaven or hell depending on one decision… what have we done with Jesus, God’s only Son?

Do you believe Jesus is Who He said He is – the Son of the Living God? Have you received His gift of eternal life that only He offers? Or have you ignored Him and chosen to live life for yourself? The truth is… a loving and good God sends no one to hell. We send ourselves if we don’t accept the FREE gift He offers. If you would like to be certain you are headed to heaven when your earthly life ends… or if you would like to explore this all-important question for the first time, I encourage you to visit our webpage called: “Book Your Heaven Flight.” The information on this webpage will both explain and lead you through the steps necessary to secure heaven for eternity. And it’s not just about when you die… your NOW life becomes better too! Click the following link to learn more: Book Your Heaven Flight.

Your physical HEART
Your second “heart” is the physical organ in your chest that pumps blood through your body. It is the most important organ to keep you alive during your earth-life. Each of us receive only one body and one heart. When they stop working we move to the “rest of our life outside of our body.”

Even if you are headed toward heaven when your life ends, there is eternal purpose in every day of you live here so it is important to care for your physical heart.

Heart disease is the #1 killer of the body. An American has an avoidable heart attack every 30 seconds. Each year approximately 1.25 million people in the U.S. suffer a heart attack—and more than 400,000 of them die. Most deaths occur soon after symptoms appear and prior to the victim being admitted to the hospital. The really sad thing is that these deaths are preventable.

Most people die from heart attacks because they have believed wrong and worthless information. Our government and the American Heart Association have established weak, compromising guidelines that the government, doctors and medical professionals pass on to the public. This gives people a false sense of security.

Every person has the tendency to think “it won’t happen to them.” But the truth is that statistically if you are over age 40 you have a 95% chance that you suffer from atherosclerosis already. This is the hardening of your blood vessels.

Enough about the problem—the great news is that you can prevent and reverse heart disease. God designed our bodies to heal themselves. When we are effective stewards of the body God has given us we can life a long and HEALTHY life.

In John 10:10 AMP, Jesus told us “…I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].” Jesus was talking about both types of life… spiritual AND physical. Jesus made many statements about our physical health and that He

We understand that it is God’s will that we walk in health and healing when we look at the ministry of Jesus. He lived God’s will out in His earthly ministry.  In Matthew 9:35 the Bible says, “Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness.”

So how do we heal our physical heart? BY WHAT WE EAT!!! Eat the foods that God provided that have LIFE in them. Eat vegetables (lots of green), fruits, nuts, seeds, and legumes. Avoid animal products and saturated fat. Dramatically reduce processed foods that have little to no true nutritional value and eat foods that bring life. 

Most illnesses are self-induced and can be reversed with aggressive nutritional methods. An independent study participants who ate a “high vegetable and fruit diet” experienced a 33% drop in their bad (LDL) cholesterol. A high natural food (vegetable and fruit) diet will also reduce your weight—another serious contributor to heart disease and many other illnesses.

God has given us everything we need for living a healthy life. Good health is available to everyone. Be healthy and chose to live a long life. Pay attention to God’s Word also, for His Word is, “…life to those who find them, and healing and health to all their flesh.” AMP

What Others Are Saying: "What you will discover in Paula Black's real life story is her own encounter with the diagnosis of terminal cancer which will blow your mind and will shock you at the same time! It will cause you to feel betrayed by the established medical 'system' - whether that is in the U.S, the UK or anywhere else on the planet." Michele N. U.K.

God bless you,
Paula Black

Help Stop Cancer in the Body of Christ – Invite Paula to Speak and/or order the book LIFE, CANCER and GOD to learn about how Paula beat terminal cancer naturally.

Learn more about how to receive healing from God -- order the Audio Book "How God Heals" by Capt. Dale Black. (On sale now!)

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